Abstraction deals with simplification, indirection deals with location.
Abstraction is a mechanism that "hides" complicated details of a object in terms of simpler, easier to manipulate terms. In programming, a good example is the difference in details between machine code and the various tools for creating applications that are ultimately based on machine code. Consider creating a Windows Form application with the Visual Studio IDE. The IDE lets you think of the application in terms of easy-to-manipulate items in a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get manner. The position of a screen widget is abstracted out to a visual location in a frame which you can change by dragging the widget around. Internally, the IDE manipulates the widget using another layer of abstraction such as a high level language (such as C#). C# itself is not manipulated using machine code, it is manipulated using a "Common Runtime Environment" which itself is an abstraction of a computer and operating system.
Indirection refers to making the location of an item transparent. If you know a web resource's URI, you can access the resource without knowing its precise location. You do not access the resource directly, instead you access through a channel that passes your request through a series of servers, applications and routers. Indirection may be considered to be a special type of abstraction where the location is abstracted.
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